Book Tickets

In Person & By Phone
Box Office

The Box Office is open from 1pm to 5pm on the Saturday before each show week.
It opens again half an hour before each show, then 1pm to 5pm on the final Saturday.
If you want to visit the box office and cannot climb the steps, then when you arrive just ring the box office number and we can unlock the ramp entrance for you.

You can also text us on 07784 296340 to book tickets.
Please tell us which performance and how many tickets. We will text to confirm your reservation and then contact you to arrange payment.

Halifax Playhouse
King Cross Street,
Halifax, HX1 2SH
Phone: 01422 - 365998

On Line

Tickets for each half season can be booked online at anytime. Visit our website to see the links to specific shows or visit Ticket Source for event listings.

Halifax Thespians Events
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Hirer Events
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Ticket Prices

Visiting Companies
Flight Cases

Prices for visiting companies and society shows are available online from the hirers web site or via Ticket Source.

Halifax Thespian Shows
Thespian Show
Please note that two of our eight principal productions will be performed in the Bar Studio.

Ticket Prices
(Booking Fees extra)
2 for £12 - First Night only
Adult - £12.00
Child/Student - £6.00
Children and young people aged 18 and under / Full time Student with NUS card
Member - £10.00 (available for every performance of the 8 Thespian principal shows – non transferrable). £1 discount for other Thespian shows.

Online TicketSource Booking Fees

Online booking is handled through Ticket Source, please see their web site for Terms and Conditions.

There is a booking fee of 8.4% paid to Ticketsource (7.8% for Thespians shows) with a minimum fee of 25p + vat.
(All patrons booking online will pay the fee)


The Playhouse Bar

The cosy and welcoming surroundings of the Playhouse Bar are open 30 minutes before curtain up to 11pm on evening performances.

Coffee and tea is served in the Coffee Lounge in the interval. At other times coffee is available at the bar.
You can order your interval drinks in advance to avoid queuing later.


We will make every effort to ensure that your visit to The Halifax Playhouse is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Please be aware that for health & safety of all our patrons the theatre cannot currently accomodate mobility scooters or the transfer of patrons from their wheelchair to another seat in the auditorium.

There are two designated spaces for wheelchairs at the rear of the main auditorium which can be booked online or through the box office.

Wheelchair users and people with disabilities can bring a carer free of charge.
Please contact the Box Office to arrange your booking.